We were introduced to Haiku by two books. First: "The Essential HAIKU, versions of Basho, Buson, & Issa, edited by Robert Hass". The second: "Japanese HAIKU, Two hundred examples of seventeen-syllable Poems by Basho - Buson - Issa - Sokan - Kikaku - and others - translated by Peter Beilenson".
Our dependence on the material in these books is, I believe, evident without specific citations.
Mostly for the translations of videos we have used those by Peter Beilenson. For Basho's famous frog haiku we used that of Allen Ginsburg.
The program we use to make our videos is Blender, a free and open source 3D creation suite. Fortunately our purposes it has a video editing mode.
I am indepted to Jon Sayles for much of the guitar music you will hear in my videos. It is freely available on his "Free Early and Renaissance Music - Classical Guitar Recordings" site of which he says, "Please listen, enjoy and use as you will."
Many sounds that we were not able to record ourselves were from Soundbible
We have made frequent use of the section at www.w3schools.com which deals with responsive design.